Warrior News
Parent Letter - 1/31/25
Dear Warrior Nation,
Before we continue with our current series, “God Does Not Waste A Battle,” here is a quick recap of the first two weeks:
- God will make a way through your trial because he wants you to see victory from the other side (Exodus 14)
- We don’t fight our battles alone – God brings others to our aid in our time of need (Exodus 17)
This week, we take a stop in the book of Judges. Imagine one day, as you are working in the yard, an angel appears before you with a greeting like “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior!” If you have never served in the military or any form of law enforcement, the concept of being a mighty warrior might be completely foreign. Yet, this is exactly what confronted Gideon one day as he threshed wheat. In Judges 6:12, we read, “When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, ‘The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.’” After some protest and excuses, the Angel of the Lord revealed to Gideon that he was going to save his people from Midianite oppression. With an army of 32,000 men, Gideon prepared for battle only to have the Lord make him reduce his army down to a mere 300 men. How many times in our lives have we prepared for something, had plenty of resources at our disposal, only to have God pare back to an amount that seems impossible to bring success? But that is how God works. He wants to show us that, like Gideon, HE is the one that brings victory, not us or our plentiful supply of resources.
As Gideon went into the Midianite camp, he overheard soldiers talking about a dream one of them had, saying that he saw the Lord giving their army into Gideon’s hand. Gideon lined his men around the camp, broke open the vases that covered their torches, and, with a mighty shout, caused the army before them to attack each other out of confusion. They destroy themselves!
Remember, dear friend, that in the midst of the trial, God brings us through it. We don’t walk it alone. And this week, we learned that we fight our battles in the Lord’s strength, not our own. Like He was to Gideon, God is to us today, El Sali, the Lord, my strength. Lean on Him today, and He will take you through it.
Next week, open enrollment begins for new families in all grades. There is still time to take advantage of the $150 re-enrollment fee to guarantee your student’s seat for next year. Some grades are already at or near capacity, and we don’t want anyone to miss out. If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to the business office.
Blessings to you and your family for an awesome weekend!
All 4 Him!
Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School