Warrior News
Parent Letter - 12/6/24
Dear Warrior Nation,
Every significant movement of God began in a similar fashion. One person, with a heart for God and a burden for the lost, earnestly pressed into the Creator with a desire for more of Him. They saw the need for God to change hearts and minds but knew it had to begin with themselves. As they leaned in, they sought others to serve and share Christ with. The result was a contagious, spreading passion to connect ourselves and others to Jesus in a more profound way. And with that, a revival was born!
However, some stages take place before the revival begins. As we look at the world around us, our hearts yearn for something better—a powerful presence of God that cuts through the darkness, ignites our hearts, and deepens our burden for the lost, dying world around us. This leads to the Big Prayers for revival: awakening, repentance, return to God, and ultimately revival. This week, we examine awakening.
Every stage of faith comes with the potential for challenges of naivety, complacency, and animosity. As babes in Christ, we are naïve of the subtle ways Satan can try to influence us. We can be drawn away from God if we don’t press in to learn and grow in our faith. Over time, we become complacent, almost robotic, as we go through the motions of Christianity. Our faith becomes a series of checkboxes we fulfill out of obligation. Knowing we were meant for greater things with God can lead to animosity towards God and even each other.
So, how do we combat this? By daily seeking a fresh filling of God’s presence through his Word and his people. We remember the words of Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” We ask God for a new awakening and sensitivity to his presence, which helps us to recognize those subtle attempts to distract us and pull our focus off God. This draws us toward the plan God has specifically for us. We are awakened to the places where we have settled, compromised, or even rebelled against God. Father, open our eyes to the things in our lives that are not of you, so we may leave them at the cross. This will bring us to next week’s Big Prayer – repentance.
Please pay close attention to upcoming newsletters and principal communication regarding important dates and schedule information. They will be sharing division-specific information regarding end-of-semester activities and deadlines. With only 18 shopping days until Christmas, there is still much to accomplish to finish the semester strong.
I would also ask you to keep the following in your prayers for the days ahead:
- Health and protection from sickness for students and staff
- Strength to finish strong over the last two weeks of the semester
- Wisdom for school leadership as they make plans for the coming year
- Provision for those families in need, and strength and peace for those going through struggles
- God’s continued favor over RCS and the future RCS family members He will bring in the coming months
All 4 Him!
Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School