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Parent Letter - 1/24/25

January 24, 2025

Dear Warrior Nation,

We find an amazing object lesson in the movie “The Forge,” where Isaiah Wright is handed a sword at the Forge meeting with his boss and mentor, Joshua Moore.  He is instructed to hold it by the hilt with one hand and extend it out in front of him with an outstretched arm.  At first, the task is easy – very quickly; however, the young man labors to keep the sword parallel to the floor.  When he is about to give up, other men, one by one, step in, and each places two fingers under the blade.  This small contribution allows Isaiah to keep the blade aloft.  We see a similar story in Exodus, chapter 17, where the Israelites are attacked by the Amalekites.  Moses sent Joshua and his troops into battle and moved to a nearby hill to oversee the battle.  While on the hill, as Moses held his staff over his head, the Israelites prevailed in battle.  Soon, as his arms tired, the staff was lowered, and the Amalekites began to prevail. Aaron and Hur, brother and nephew respectively to Moses and fellow leaders of God’s people, come up the hill.  As they see Moses struggle, they find a rock for Moses to sit on and stand at his side, each holding an arm over Moses’ head until the Israelites are victorious.  In Exodus 17:15 it says, “Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner” to honor God for the victory.  Through the support of others, they all experienced victory with the Lord as a protective cover over them.

You might be facing your own battle that seems overwhelming, where you feel alone and defeated.  In that time, remember this – in Christ, we do not ever fight our battles alone; God brings others to our aid in our time of need.  It often requires us, however, to take a bold step and ask.  While God cares deeply for us, he calls us as his children to also care for each other.  Christian care is a two-sided coin – if you are struggling, ask for help.  Sometimes, just a listening ear is enough.  It might require physical help of some sort.  Remember, we don’t know what we don’t know, so make the need known.  If you are in a good spot and God is blessing you, seek out those in need and be prepared to receive a blessing through your service to others.  Remember the 1st Century church?  Acts chapter 2 tells of the early Christians and their selflessness to provide for and serve one another.  This is how we experience God’s banner over us.  In Him, we do not fight our battles alone.

Open House was a huge success, as 25 families joined us on campus for parent testimonies, tours, and the chance to meet teachers.  We will have two more events, 20 March and 24 April, at 6:30 p.m. beginning in the library.  If you know someone who missed the first one, have them call the office at 804-276-3193 to register for one of the remaining dates.

You should have received your re-enrollment packet for the 2025-2026 school year.  All re-enrollment packets completed (with the $150 fee) and submitted by 3 February will be guaranteed a seat for the next school year.  After 3 February, we will begin new family enrollments and will fill the remaining seats on a first-come, first-served basis.  With some of our grades at or near capacity, please don’t wait and risk missing out!

Don’t forget that tomorrow (Saturday), we will have our Homecoming festivities in the gym. We will begin the day with Little Warriors basketball and cheerleading at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Alumni game at 11:00, the Middle School Boys' basketball game at 2:00, Homecoming Court activities at 3:30, and the JV Boys' basketball game at 5:00.  The middle school and JV games will be against Williamsburg Christian. Hope to see you there!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



Open House, 3/20