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Parent Letter - 1/17/25

January 17, 2025
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

If the Bible had a rating similar to those used in media standards, it would probably be TV-14 due to the content containing violence and mature themes.  While many stories contain heartwarming endings (the feeding of the 5,000, many stories of healings, and the birth and baptism of Jesus), others are more graphic and more appropriate for adults.  All scripture is God-breathed and inspired by the Creator, and every story is divinely placed to give historical context and spiritual application.  Over the next few weeks, we will look at stories that are connected to the theme “God does not waste a battle.”  This week, we are returning to the book of Exodus, to the crossing of the Red Sea.  The entire text can be found in Exodus chapter 14, but our key verse this week is verse 14: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  With the Israelites backed up against the Red Sea and the army of Pharoah bearing down on them, the people found themselves in a precarious situation.  They could not run and were outmatched from a military standpoint.  When Moses, like every good Christian leader facing adversity, realized the peril before him, he turned to God for direction.  The people cried out against him, saying, “…did you bring us to the desert to die since there were no graves in Egypt?  It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than die in the desert” (v. 11).  In a moment of overwhelming odds, hearing the rumbling of chariots approaching and faced with the very real possibility of total annihilation, the people only saw the opposition before them.  Have you ever been there?  Have you encountered an utterly impossible situation where even prayer seemed to be an exercise in futility?  As Moses looked out at the situation, he looked UP, and after praying to Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides, he lifted his staff over his head.  At that moment, God opened the Red Sea, creating a path on dry land for the Israelites to cross.  At the same time, God blocked the movement of the Egyptians to allow safe passage for all the Israelites to cross.  When the passage was complete, God allowed the Egyptian army to begin crossing behind them, only to close up the waters over the army and drown them in the sea.  So, what is the lesson for us today?  God will make a way THROUGH your trial because he wants you to see the victory from the other side.  It is easy to have challenges removed from our path.  However, when we are forced to walk through difficulty, we see God’s hand all over us along the way.  It builds our faith and trust in Him while giving us experience that often opens doors to help others who follow behind us.  Whatever trial or challenge you face, remember that as you put your trust in God, he will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Please remind your friends and family to make plans to attend our first Open House event on Thursday, 23 January, at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  They will have a chance to meet the teachers, visit classrooms, and tour the campus.  See the RCS Facebook page for more details and have them call the front office to register.

Re-enrollment emails for the 2025-2026 school year will be sent soon, so be on the lookout. Submit it before 3 February to guarantee your spot for next year!

Thank you for your partnership in educating hearts and minds for Christ!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



Open House, 3/20