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Parent Letter - 1/10/25

January 10, 2025
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

The 1730s and 1740s were a powerful time in the history of Protestantism in the U.S.  Known as the First Great Awakening, this period of revival among the Protestants in America marked a turning point in the lives of those who claimed to follow Christ.  The powerful preaching brought about intense conviction to move away from the ritual and ceremony of religion on that day to an awareness of a deep, emotional need for a stronger personal relationship with Christ.  How does revival happen?  We must first understand that revival is for the church, not the unbeliever.  It is prompted by the Holy Spirit, who opens the eyes of the believers to what is wrong or missing in our lives.  Once that is acknowledged, our hearts are opened to the truth of God’s Word with a fresh desire for God and a longing for more of Him in our lives.  Our hearts are awakened, we turn to God in repentance, and we are drawn closer to God.  Revival is not some pie-in-the-sky ideal or something for the believers “back in the day.”  After the Temple's completion and dedication, the Lord visited King Solomon one night.  In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we read, “…If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” We often neglect the verse immediately before it, where the Lord says, “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,…” (verse 13).  In other words, when the land and people face impossible odds, we need to follow the steps of verse 14.  Revival begins in one heart, desperate for more of the Lord and His leading in life, to be completely surrendered to Christ and empowered to go out and win souls for the kingdom. Are you desperate enough?  Are we, as a community? As a nation?  Lord, let revival begin in me!  Make this your prayer for the next 30 days, and watch the Lord transform you, your family, and our world!

With the beginning of 2025 comes the start of the Open House season, and we are trusting God for great things in the coming school year.  Please mark your calendars and tell your friends and family to make plans to attend our first Open House event on Thursday, 23 January, at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  They will have a chance to meet the teachers, visit classrooms, and tour the campus.  See the RCS Facebook page for more details and have them call the front office to register.

Be on the lookout for the 2025-2026 re-enrollment information coming out toward the end of January.  I am excited to share that our program is growing this fall with the addition of two K-4 preschool classrooms!!  We are renovating space for those classrooms and will look to add a full-time teacher and teacher's aide to each room.  More details to come, so stay tuned.

Praying for a blessed, impactful, and kingdom-focused 2025 for you and your family!  Happy New Year, and thank you for your continued partnership.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



Open House, 3/20